Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My day at the races (or a few weeks...so far)

The C# book tells me I should know everything to make the day at the races app. Well, I may know it, maybe I am not spending enough time thinking about it. Or, maybe I am spending too much time thinking about it and I need to take a step back. Honestly, I did take some time off from thinking about the program. If you read my prior posts, I was in Orlando for a week at the Visual Studio Live! conference. It was very informative and was a great experience. Then it was Thanksgiving. Lots of food and family.

Now back to the app. I have the visual pieces done. The pictures of the dogs are waiting for the code to tell them what to do. I have the skeleton framework done for what I need to do. I also have one class done (I think, I haven't been able to test it yet as I need more of the code in to test that the betting section works).

Will I finish this week? We will see.


K.C. said...

Can I place a short bet that it will be finished this week? :-)

Robert Jorgensen said...

You can sure place that bet. I like that people sitting close to me at work read, then I am held to what I write!