Arrival in San Diego
We had a choice to take me to either San Diego, California or El Paso, Texas. We decided on San Diego. I was admitted to the Intense Care Unit at Scripps Hospital. We were luckily enough to have my Mom's brother live in San Diego and allowed my family to stay at his house. He also had an extra car and allowed my family to drive it while we were there, making it nice to not have to rent a car or get a hotel.
When we arrived in San Diego my Dad called my fiancees dad. He did not call my fiancee because he felt that he would not be able to keep it together long enough to tell her what had happened to me. Her Dad called and told her the news of my trip. With the news she and her Mom had made arrangements to catch the first available flight to San Diego.
Sheila and her Mom joined my Dad watching over me. My Mom and little sister, Heidi, would join but would not be able to arrive as soon. Mom and Heidi had to get back on the cruise ship and catch a plane at the next port. Luckily, Mom works for an airline who were willing to work with her once she explained the situation. They thought they would have to fly stand by to get back, but luckily her manager pulled some strings and got a confirmed seat. Everyone took shifts staying at the hospital with me to be able to send any news if needed.
Three days after the accident I began speaking and comprehending what others where saying. It was hard for me to believe that I had been in an accident and was now in San Diego. I kept asking to see my Uncle Bob to give me proof that I was in San Diego. I had short term memory loss, so would not remember conversations that I had the day before. My dad says one of the first things I asked the nurse was, "What do I need to do to get better?" Five days later I was moved off the ICU floor to the regular hospital.
Everyday 3 hours were spent in therapy. Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy all devoted and hour a day to help me get better. At first walking was very hard as I had lost the use of the right side of my body. I knew how to walk, but could not get my body to work the way I needed. Along with this my right hand was very weak and uncontrollable. Luckily, I am left handed so I did not have to worry about writing. When I first started speaking, I knew what I was saying but was unable to get it to sound like I was actually saying words. These reasons are why therapy was every day. Everyone had gotten off the cruise ship and had come by to see me in the hospital. Sheila and her mom went home, Sheila went to finish the final week of teaching. I do not remember seeing them or any other family member that did not stay. Heidi went home and Trisha stayed in San Diego.
After 4 days I was moved to rehabilitation where more therapy was to be spent. Rehabilitation is the point where I can remember the most things. The first thing I remember was being moved from the hospital to rehab, I had to take an ambulance. When I was not at therapy I spent many hours sleeping and my awake hours not at therapy we played games together. Sheila finished school and came back to spend see everything was ok. At this point my good friend Aaron flew stand by to come and see me. Had he come earlier I would not recall him being there. So, I am grateful he waited to come out. Again, more games were played and they joked that even with a brain injury I still had my competitive nature.
While there my cousin Dave came to see me after he was out of work. It was very nice for him to come and see me more then once as he married into the family, but this also was interesting subject for him. He graduated from medical school and is becoming a neuro surgeon. His wife and kids, Calvin and Claire, came to see me twice. I played games with their kids, Candyland was Calvins favorite game and he won every time and I was not even letting him.
The therapists there said I was making great progress, faster then a similar kind of injury. I think that being able to have my family and friends close to me helped speed up my recovery. Having a good attitude towards also helped me have a speedy recovery. The nurses commented that having the good attitude and being able to joke was not a normal reaction. The doctors were glad as many head injury patients develope bad tempers and are angry at the world. This was not the case for me. The therapists released me to come back to Salt Lake City one week after arriving at rehab.
Before we could get a flight out, we stayed at Dave and Denises and their kids. By the end of the three days we stayed there Claire had opened up and was very friendly with me. Before we flew back I had my first break down. This was the first point that I felt helpless and did not understand why it was so hard for everything to get back to normal. We got to the airport and we were all worried about flying as I still had a perferated ear drum. When I got back to Salt Lake I had to make a Rehab, Neurologist, Ear Nose and Throat, and General doctors appointment.

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