Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Second Time through the Quest

I just wanted to put an update out there. It has been a while since I posted, I procrastinate and if you have read any of my prior blogs you already know that.. I keep telling myself not to do this, but old habits are hard to break. Plus, I listened to a podcast today that mentioned procrastination can be good in some circumstances....posting a blog? Maybe not, but hey, let's go with it.

Anyway, the update. I am almost done with the Head First C# second lab called the Quest. If you will recall, I got frustrated last time and moved on. This time, I am getting closer. I am almost to the point where I could run the program and test what is happening in it. Maybe by the end of the week I will have a version of the game that I could post...I'm trying! (Okay, maybe not the end of the week, the first football game of the season is tomorrow so I am missing one night)

1 comment:

Brett Hinton said...

Okay - I'm wondering if you have it finished. When is it going to be posted to Git Hub or something. Do not leave me in suspense about when it will be available